Friday, November 6, 2009


Distance. A new word to be added to my list of words I dislike, but this one makes the list for a different reason to the others. The idea of being far away from the familiar sounds so attractive. New adventures, new friendships, new surroundings; it all sounds great.

Then you read the facebook status' of the familiar and the new stuff doesn't seem to make you happy in the moment when you realise that the familiar was fun too! What I'm really saying is that I've missed about three 21st birthday parties and a wedding because I'm on this new adventure right? And the best part is that I get to write a Sociology exam on the day of a friends 21st meaning it's virtually impossible to go to the familiar that day and just hang out...

It feels like a disconnect sometimes. Like you try to maintain these friendships and for the most part, you can but when you miss out on these days, the most important ones, distance makes it feel like you're loosing more and more of the friendship cos you can't share those moment and make memories.

Ai, my eyes water right about now as I think about a friend that's leaving town and embracing Stellies. Maps, I'm gonna miss you so much. You were the friend that stepped in to my life at such a crucial moment. You're gonna have such a blast at Stellies and that's cos you're so great and they're lucky to have you (yes, emotional people get cheesy sounding but its true!) I, yes, I have to heal and pray that distance would not cause a rift in the friendship cos I value you too much. I read my journal from 2007 and then think about you and I know God is faithful, cos you were written about in that journal entry even before I met you...

I love my friends past, present and future and I don't regret every adventure I've been on with you. I pray for more and where it's impossible, I thank God for my memory so I can think back, smile and look to the future.

*heart filled with affection*


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