Saturday, August 4, 2012

Declaration of love

Dear friend,

I love you (said with me looking deeply into your eyes along with my serious voice). Please, know that I love you. Life is short and I just want you to know that in this lifetime you were loved by me. That’s really all I wanted to say, but since you’ve taken the time to visit my blog let me say more about this.

We laid my cousin’s body to rest today and I’m still trying to wrap my head around her death. She would have turned 27 this month and made a huge success of her life in the years to come. I don’t doubt that at all.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Don't wish for another day

I posted this in 2009 on my wordpress blog. I"m no longer using wordpress so I thought I'd repost it here. Here it is:

It was Rebecca st. James who sang  “Don’t wish for another day, be glad and use the one you’re in…” the song obviously goes on to talk about being grateful and thanking God for the one you’re in. I will admit that this has possibly been the hardest thing for me to do.