Thursday, May 6, 2010

Learning to listen

I'm reminded right now of something I read somewhere,I think it was in Joyce Meyers book, the battle field of the mind, someone in there complained about how her husband would go somewhere and listen to people rather than share all the smart things he knew. Her struggle was that people would not know how smart he husband was and he responded that he knows what he knows, he wants to know what other people know.

So where I'm going with this is that the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me through prophecy, through sermons and scriptures and I have so much poured in to me, I'm beginning to realise that I may have started talking too much. In my dry season not too long ago, I felt like I had little to say and pour out so the best thing I could do was listen. Now that I'm hearing God, I may be forgetting the lesson I learned while I went through the previous session, that sometimes, people have the answer already, they just need to use you as a sounding board.

I've realised that even in my new friendships, I've got so much going in me, I just want to share. Now this is not wrong in and of itself but I can see it getting out of hand. I'm no longer sensitive to whether someone genuinely just needs an ear to listen, advise, a chat or a dmc...

The other danger is that I may be sharing the things that are just meant for me and God. Some things God tells me for me and not so I can share, even if it is someone who you're accountable to, sometimes God takes you to the prayer closet to tell you secrets and I need to be a good steward and a discerning listener.

It's going to be a journey of obedience to the Holy Spirit. Help me Jesus!

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